
The Road To Wisdom

Minister Chris Hipkins reply to National propaganda

Sums up the NZ National Party exactly...

1981 - Police baton protesters outside Parliament


Sharp as - the bluntest knife in the drawer...

Secretariat - Champion American racehorse (Full Doco)

Rules for a healthy living, somebody's opinion...

Simon's twisted facts and untruths

Today in NZ History - 25 July 1981

Great old farmers advice video:

Electoral Rolls - Petterson (1853-1981)

Just like that mate...

We are in the present...

Lazy National Party members of parliament...

Debt paid in full...

Today on 19th July...

NZ On Screen: Patu 1983 (Full Length film)

Cher Biography - Video

To the point...

Everybody has gone through change...

Today in History - Mon 16 July

NZ gave Indonesia $320 million in aid - they spent it on helicopters...

Trump the biggest dickhead the Queen has ever met – remember she met Mugabe

KiwiRail's bosses are being called out for trying to green-wash the company while cutting back on sustainable transpor

Nothing changes...

Not afraid of dying...

We take better care of our phones...

Memes that make you smile...

Karma will get you...

The Oral Traditions of Ngai Tahu

In 1985 the Rainbow Warrior was sunk in Auckland - by our French allies...

You are a bitch said Nicky Wagner MP...

Quote for today - Janet Weight Reed...

Gay law bill passed in 1986...

Quirky quote for today...

Today in 1916 the NZ Labour party was founded

The ultimate in Karma...

The GCSB spies still out in the cold...

Being scared...

Fortunately hurt his ankle, not his hands...