
Hurricanes v Crusaders pre-season Super Rugby match

Today in 1951 The Upper House of Parliament was abolished...

Do the maths...

Walking your way to good health...

Advice for a worthy life...

What's done is done...

Today in 1929 'Black Sunday' in Samoa

A Step Poem just for you...

Paul Ubana Jones at Upper Hutt Cossie Club in Feb 2019

If Nikola Tesla had not been censured...

Leaving it all to you...

Wisdom Is Priceless

Silent housemate...

Quotable Quotes for December 2018...

I can't go back to yesterday...

Snoopy's Christmas to yoe all

The Great Strike ends...

New Zealand's first cricket match...

Resign now Gerry Brownlee...

One Love Festival 2019


Probably wasn't called Shakespeare anyway...

Merry Christmas...

A really bad day...

This day in 1915 the evacuation of Gallipoli began

Quotable Quotes...

The Spoils of Hard Work

British Parliament confirms the autonomy of its six dominions in 1931

Ernest Rutherford wins Nobel prize in 1908

Duplicate friend request from me? Just ignore it!!!

In 1867 the first passengers traversed the Lyttleton rail tunnel

I met a man with a dollar...

Dust if you must...

Christmas shopping...

Naturally blonde...

Kiwibank and NZ Post not looking after their customers. But TSB might?

I remember listening on Radio Hauraki...

Buddhist Prayer for Peace

Well said...

Six o'clock closing lasted until the sixties