Charlie's 30 km journey down Christchurch's Avon River to the sea...

Charlie's 30km  kayak  journey through the Avon River to the sea

It was all going right until it all went wrong.
There had been some close calls, but so far I had managed to avoid falling into the tea brown depths of the Avon River.
But this was it, I was going in.
The kayak was listing to the left and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Time slowed and then I was fully submerged in Christchurch's main river.
It was cold and dark. I slipped out of my kayak like a newborn and burst to the surface, gasping in shock at the cold.
And then I started laughing. Standing up to my knees in water near where the river curves beneath Barbadoes St in the Christchurch city centre.

Read Charlie's story here:

