Matariki Rising Wellington - June and July 2017

Remembering, renewing, rejoicing. Celebrations across Wellington in New Zealand during June and July in 2017.

The story of Matariki and the Maori New Year.

Each winter in New Zealand, the Maori culture celebrates the arrival of Matariki in the mid-winter night sky. It marks the passing of the old year (according to the Maori lunar calendar) and the beginning of the new year. Rituals and celebrations take place at this time to farewell loved ones, to acknowledge our relationships with each other and with the natural world. Matariki is the time to have fun, share stories and to enjoy kai (food).

Ka puta Matariki ka rere Whanui. Ko te tohu tena o te tau e!
Matariki re-appears, Whanui starts its flight, being the sign of the (new) year.!

The rising of the Matariki star constellation (aka Pleiades) announces Te Tau Hou, the Māori New Year. Dr Rangi Matamua, a leading expert in Māori astronomy, talks about its meaning.
