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A Future Writer of the Year

(An old post May 2014 from an old now defunct blog:)
As I said at the genesis of this blogsite; there will be some personal and domestic input from time to time.
Early in May I flew down to Christchurch to share my eight year old grandson’s birthday. He had a couple of great days which included sharing a large birthday cake with his classmates at North Linwood Primary School. Only a couple found the chocolate cake a bit on the rich side. We didn’t do this back in my day at St Albans Primary School also in Christchurch.
That Saturday was Karewa’s party day at the local Chipmunks indoor playland. Some food and drink later for his invited guests,  some of his classmates from school, his elder brother Tangaroa and his friend. Karewa the king for an hour on his throne. I returned home later that day, leaving behind a young grandson happy I had come down to share his birthday, but undoubtably a little sad that I had to leave and fly back to Wellington.
A couple of days ago my daughter informed me that Karewa has been chosen to attend a Christchurch young writers workshop and is also doing an extra curriculum writing class this term. She commented on how modest he was about his future writing activities. I told her to encourage him to read often and widely –  he obviously has the beginnings of a great little talent, something to build on in future years. I’m so sad I won’t be able to share those occasions in future years, but his parents, brothers other family members and friends will.
I do miss Karewa and his elder brother Tangaroa who attends Linwood College, and is also making his mark in his own way. They will be coming back to Wellington in July with their mother and father for paternal family celebrations. I’m looking forward to seeing them then.

Some other interesting old posts:

Chocolate-Cake-2006-Jan-04 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
